Sunday, January 8, 2017

Bio-Oil Product Review

Hi I'm Michelle and this is my very first product review! 😊

Today I'm gonna be giving reviews about this multi-use oil...


What this product claims?

helps improve the appearance of :

  • scars
  • stretch marks
  • uneven skin tone
  • aging skin
  • dehydrated skin

How to use this product?

as per product instructions, it has to be applied in a circular motion twice a day, massage type and for a minimum of three months.

So I bought this product for P500 and some change at Watson. I also saw a review of this online and hoped this could cure my friend for years, stretch marks that I got during puberty (or maybe weight gain haha!) I also put this to my scar that I got from mosquito bites and scratches. 

Well, to be honest, I don't know if its working or not, since I still have scars but yes they're a lot less noticeable than before (I hope) or maybe due to other circumstances or products like lotions or foods intakes. But I still continue using it for some reasons hahaha

I put this product to my feet since Its tend to be a a lot darker and ageing faster than the rest of my skin body parts. 

I hope they are happy

here's to my tiny little scar. (you're welcome!)

My boyfriend got pregnant for 4 years now and got this so I'm also helping him.
What a lucky guy! 😇

I am now waiting to finish my second bottle and hoping for a better results someday. (guys cmon its about the trust and loyalty to the product, and yes It will take time. a lot!) So be patient.



  • not that old-smelly oils that I grew up to. The scent is just fine for me. I like it 
  • again, the product only claims for a better appearance and for me, is working and helping.

  • somehow pricey, but I think you would save more if you buy the bigger one. 


4 out of 5 and yes, I would still buy it. 👌
